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 Alastair McIntosh's Jumble of Rare Third Party Resource Material


This page contains links to PDF files third party material that I hold on this website for use by colleagues, students and special interest groups. They're a jumble,not in any order. I keep adding, and in time search engines crawl and pick them up. If any copyright holder takes exception, please email me a "take-down" notice, otherwise my assumption with this hard-to-find material is that most of the authors would be only too glad to know it's out there. I certainly am with my papers when shared non-commercially and non-exclusively. Some of these links will take you via an intermediary page on my website that provides context or multiple download options. Unfortunately I am not able to accommodated the requests I receive to host other people's material here that is not of my own choosing. Most of this material is either unavailable elsewhere on the web, or not widely known about. I hope it's useful - enjoy a rummage through the jumble.

  1. Manfred Max-Neef's paper on Fundamental Human Needs (1 MB .pdf)

  2. Dom Helder Camara's "Spiral of Violence" (link page to PDF)

  3. Nobel Peace Prize winner Adolfo Pérez Esquivel's Stations of the Cross (link page to Powerpoint and PDF)

  4. William Montgomery Watt's Women in Earliest Islam (scanned into HTML) ... and now as original in PDF

  5. Professor William Montgomery Watt interview - "The Whole House of Islam, and We Christians with Them..."

  6. BBC Radio Scotland - Sally Magnusson interview with me - "What I believe" WMA audio file

  7. Bernard Narokobi of PNG - extract from "The Melanesian Way", 1980/1983 (1.2 MB PDF)

  8. Utula Samana of PNG - extract from "Papua New Guinea: Which Way?", 1988 (2.4 MB PDF)

  9. SIDT village development Resources - in memorandum of John Roughan, Solomon Islands Development Trust

  10. Iain Crichton Smith of Isle of Lewis - essays "Real People in a Real Place" & "Between Sea and Moor" from Towards the Human, 1996 (3.8 MB PDF)

  11. David Thomson - Fishing Industry & Community Papers (as references for ESRC/Scottish Government conference, Aberdeen 11-Mar-08) (1 MB PDF)

  12. Hermann Hesse, "The Poet", short story, 1913 (0.7MB PDF)

  13. Kenneth White, "Elements of Geopoetics" & Norman Bissell, "Open World Poetics", 1992, (1.1 MB PDF)

  14. Raimon Panikkar, "Nine Sutras on Peace", Interculture 1991 (0.9 MB PDF)

  15. Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez - Drummond Lectures, Scotland, 1995 (Audio downloads)

  16. Hamish Henderson - "Women of the Glen" (1982) (PDF)

  17. Elizabeth Carlassare - "Essentialism in Ecofeminist Discourse", 1994 (1MB PDF)

  18. The Napier Commission - Report with Appendices - these were scanned by UHI and placed originally on their Lochaber campus website. However, they some got lost during a reorganisation. They may have re-surfaced, but in the meantime I've hosted theme here.

    1. 1. Volume 1 (24 MB PDF)

    2. 2. Volume 2 (24 MB PDF)

    3. 3. Volume 3 (24 MB PDF)

    4. 4. Volume 4 (24 MB PDF)

    5. 5. Volume "5" - Appendices & Warrants (28 MB PDF)

  19. Alexander Carmichael's testimonies to the Napier Commission (extracted), 1883 (1.6MB PDF)

  20. Alexander Carmichael's Carmina Gadelica - first 3 volumes in PDF from Project Guttenberg (each over 10 MB). There are a further 3 (posthumous) volumes of the CG, but I've not found scans. Please alert me if you do.

    1. Carmina Gadelica Volume 1 PDF: http://archive.org/download/carminagadelicah03carm/carminagadelicah03carm.pdf

    2. Carmina Gadelica Volume 2 PDF: http://archive.org/download/carminagadelicah04carm/carminagadelicah04carm.pdf

    3. Carmina Gadelica Volume 3 PDF: http://archive.org/download/carminagadelicah30carm/carminagadelicah30carm.pdf

    4. Carmichael-Watson Project Archive: http://www.carmichaelwatson.lib.ed.ac.uk/cwatson/ 

    5. Carmichael's Gaelic-English material on Beltane, extracted from Vols 1 & 2

  21. Highland Clearances on the Isle of Lewis - chapter on Evictions from Macdonald, incl. Trump's ancestral Budhanais & Aird Tong

  22. James Frederick Ferrier on Scottish Philosophy the Old and the New (4 page extract - 0.3MB PDF) 

  23. Rev G.S.M. Walker on Richard of St. Victor: an Early Scottish Theologian? (1 MB PDF)

  24. Patrick Geddes on The Scots Renascence (with account of Blackie's funeral) (0.5 MB PDF)

  25. John Stuart Blackie on Classical Literature ... and Scottish University Education, Inaugural Lecture (2 MB PDF)

  26. John Stuart Blackie On the Advancement of Learning in Scotland (3 MB PDF) (Blackie's epic 1885 text on the Highland Clearances is not on my website, but can be downloaded in PDF from here)

  27. Brian McQuade of Govan - his contribution to Schumacher Briefing: Rekindling Community (photo: studying Lavery's photographic plates)

  28. Raimon Panikkar's Gifford Lectures Programme (1989) and other material from his time in Scotland

  29. Doctors in the Parish of Lochs from circa 1860 to the present day, and, My Babies are Having Babies by Dr I.K. McIntosh, 1979

  30. Brian McQuade's history of Govan from ancient to modern times

  31. Richard H. Roberts on The end of the university and the last academic? (7 MB PDF)

  32. Tom Johnston, Ch. 5 "The Democratic Theocracy" from The History of the Working Classes in Scotland (1929)

  33. Audio interview with First Nations elder Herb Nabigon (during visit to GalGael Trust), BBC Radio Scotland, 14-9-14

  34. Adam Curle on Unmediable Violence & The Three Poisons (1990)

  35. Donald J. MacLeod of Scarp, Enaclete & Bridge of Don: notes on The Clearances, Parish of Uig, Isle of Lewis, and cemetery records from Gisla, Quebec (updated 2024)

  36. Dr Bashir Maan interviewed by Ricky Ross on BBC Radio Scotland, 22 June 2015, about his book, Muslims in Scotland (15 MB MP3)

  37. Indigenous retrospective on the Harris Superquarry saga - John M. MacAulay's address to Harris Mountain Festival 2014

  38. Kenny Dan Smith's (of the Isle of Lewis) 7 Laws of the Ceilidh House - the traditional university of Gaelic culture

  39. Tara O'Leary's Scottish Affairs paper, Nae Fur the Likes of Us (poverty and Scotland's environmental organisations)

  40. Women Do Count - a booklet from the group concerned with gender-based violence within Quakers in West Scotland, for a COP 26 day conference

  41. Robert O'Driscoll's chapter The Aesthetic and Intellectual Foundations of the Celtic Literary Revival in Ireland, from The Celtic Consciousness symposium proceedings

  42. Quaker war mediation - selected material, Biafra-Nigeria & Rhodesia-Zimbabe, from out-of-print book, Religion, the Missing Dimension of Statecraft (1994)

  43. Mahatma Gandhi's 1929 essaty, Anasaktiyoga: the Message of the Gita (an axiomatic commentary on the Bhagavad Gita, from the Mahadev Desai edition of Gandhi's Gita).

  44. Selected key passages (single page) summarising the essence of the Bhagavad Gita, from Juan Mascaró’s translation

  45. Selected passages from Strange Things: The Story of Fr Allan McDonald, Ada Goodrich Freer, and the SPR's Enquiry into Highland Second Sight, John Lorne Campbell & Trevor H. Hall (out of print)

  46. Magne Oftedall, The Gaelic of Leurbost, Isle of Lewis (1955), with pencil annotations by previous owner Prof Elmar Temes, full scan (12 MB PDF)

  47. Michael J. Sheeran SJ, Beyond Majority Rule: Voteless decision making in the Religious Society of Friends ("Quakers"), scan of intro, first chapter and conclusion, about discernment

  48. T.C. Smout (Christopher Smout), The Highlands and the Roots of Green Consciousness, 1750-1990 (influential paper in the 1990s as such as SNH/NatureScot were falling into place)

  49. War in Vietnam - Helen Steven, the late Justice & Peace Worker of the Iona Community and Quaker, speaks on her work with her partner Ellen Moxley I think around the time of the fall of Saigon, MP3 Audio File 1 and MP3 Audio File 2, from her half-brother the poet Kenneth Steven

  50. Introduction to Hilda Ellis Davidson, The Seer: Studies in the Celtic Tradition of the Second Sight, with the chapters "The Seer in Gaelic Tradition" by John MacInnes and "Some Personal Experiences of the Second Sight" by Eilidh Watt.

  51. Paulo Freire on liberation theology - articles by him from "The Politics...." and Samuel Rocha on the lost verses of "The Pedagogy"

  52. Memorial Testimony to the life of Iain Haig Oughtred (1939-2024), artisan wooden boatbuilder an Quaker, and Radio Skye audio of him at launch of Skye skiff, 9 Sep 2023

  53. Scottish Office, Land Reform Policy Group, Recommendations for Action, 1999 (searchable)

  54. Maria Latumahina of West Papua in conversation with Megan MacInnes of Applecross, Scotland, (and a former Scottish Land Commissioner) on land and community empowerment, Dark Mountain Journal

  55. Dr Iain MacPherson / Mac a' Phearsain, 'Absent in the Present': Indigeneity and the Scottish Gaels at home and away, YouTube of keynote address to Glasgow Uni students' conference on methodology & indigeniety

  56. Susan Parman, Chapter 5 "The Informal Structure of Leadership, Decision Making, and Social Order" in Scottish Crofters: a Historical Ethnography of a Celtic Village, 2005 (based on fieldwork in Shawbost, Isle of Lewis, 1970-71).

  57. Hermann Hesse, closing pages of Knulp (fictional insight on the experience of God as death approaches)

  58. RD Laing on the true and false embodied Self (with diagram), from The Divided Self

  59. Watch this page ... more resources get added from time to time


Dis/claimer: The preparation of the files on this page is my personal responsibility and not that of any institutions or third parties with which I may be linked. Some of them were originally prepared under the terms of the Copyright Licensing Authority license that was held by the Centre for Human Ecology for our students. With others, generally out-of-print texts, I've usually been unable to make contact with original authors, and so I have acted in good faith on the presumption that they would be delighted if they were alive or readily contactable ... but if I'm wrong, and if any author or publisher is not happy with my posting material here, perhaps they could contact me and I will forthwith pluck out the offending eye.