Gustavo Gutierrez Liberation Theology Audio Downloads |
Audio Downloads of Gustavo Gutiérrez Merino O.P. Drummond Lectures, Scotland, 1995
This page links to MP3 files of the Drummond Lectures delivered at Stirling University, Scotland, by Fr. Gustavo Gutiérrez in 1995. Clicking on the links below will open MP3 files of about 20MB. Depending on your connection speed, they may take several minutes to download and open in your media player. The sound quality is not great as I have digitised them from an amateur audio cassette and compressed the files to keep their size manageable, but it is clear enough for understanding.
Background to this Material These tapes came to me in a curious way. In 1995 a young man who had attended the lectures came into my office in the Centre for Human Ecology, then in Edinburgh University. He knew of my use of Gutiérrez's thinking in Scottish land reform, and handed me over the 3 tapes he had made at the lectures, hoping that I might be able to make more use of them than he could. I do not recall who he was. At the time I was embroiled in the university's move to close down our Centre and did not even have time to listen to the tapes. However, I looked them out in 2008 when writing a thesis on liberation theology in modern Scottish land reform for a PhD by published works based mainly on my book, Soil and Soul. It was then that I discovered that astonishingly little of Gutiérrez's material is available on the web, and nothing that was easy to find in audio. I realised that these tapes merited wider dissemination. I wrote to a key person involved with the Drummond Trust asking if I might place a digitised version of the tapes on the web, and though I received acknowledgement of the email I heard nothing more. I suspect that this is one of those situations where the recipient of my message did not want to say "no", but was not in a position to say "yes" without a lot of hassle in seeking various permissions. I've therefore gone ahead on my own initiative on the basis of the young man's mandate to me based upon his own recording. If anybody has cause to object to this, please could they contact me and if necessary, I will remove this material. At the time of posting this (July 2009) I seem to have mislaid the first of the tapes. My apologies for this inconvenience and I will put it on the web if and when I find it. Other Third Party liberation theology material on this website posted for the convenience of fellow seekers because it was not otherwise easily available is: I also have online in PDF A Short Course in Liberation Theology comprising materials that I use here in Govan, Glasgow. Others are welcome to share (no acknowledgement necessary).
6 July 2009