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 14. Alastair McIntosh - Spirituality


Classified Index of Articles on Spirituality

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333. 2024, A Sermon to the English on Land Reform, Dark Mountain, Issue 25, special issue on "the land", April.


330. 2024,  'Don't be angry with the river', report on GalGael Trust trip to Iona, with link to Testimony to the late boat designer Iain Oughtred, April.


329. 2023, Prayer for the Day on BBC Radio 4, six texts, broadcast 0540, 25 Nov - 1 Dec.


328. 2023, Two Articles on Nonviolence: unmediable violence and charism beyond war, The Frined (Nov).


313, 2022, BBC Radio 4 broadcast, Sunday Worship with Anna Magnusson from Ben Nevis, on 'Mountains and Transfiguration'. Listen here (37 mins), or article in The Friend, 31 Oct.


307. 2022, Preparation for nonviolence and the War in Ukraine, 2 articles, The Friend and West of Scotland Quaker News, March & April.


301. 2021, Beginning with Oneself: Raimon Panikkar's 9 Sutras for COP 26, The Friend, 3 September, p. 12.


298. 2021, Three Reflections on Elderly Care, The Friend and BBC Thought for the Day, various dates.

95. 2020, Riders on the Storm: the Climate Crisis and the Survival of Being, Birlinn, Edinburgh, 243 + xi, ISBN 978 1 78027 639 7, £9.99 p/b.

294. 2020, Salted with Fire - Easter Reflection for the Iona Community, In Love with the Life of Life, Wild Goose Publications, pp. 191-193.

293. 2019, Towards Third Millennium Christianity: Activism, Nonviolence & the Mystical Imperative, Future of Faith Lecture 2019 to Unitarians, Quakers & the Progressive Christianity Network, Faith and Freedom, 72:118, pp. 3-21; also in a Quaker version (abridged with some additions) as Third Millennium Christianity and Quakerism, The Friends Quarterly, 4:2019, pp. 22-41.

292. 2019, God Carry Me,  Dark Mountain Journal, Issue 16,10th anniversary edition essay, pp. 119-126.

291. 2019, Spirituality and Social Activism, chapter with Matt Carmichael (2) in The Routledge International Handbook of Spirituality and Society, ed. László Zsolnai & Bernadette Flanagan, Routledge, London.

288. 2019, Doom and Dharma (politics of climate change & regenerative culture), The Ecologist, 22 July (online).

287. 2019, Report on GalGael Trust people's visit to the Isle of Iona, March.

285. 2018-19, Three Reflections for Extinction Rebellion - in The Ecologist on psychology and spirituality, and in The Friend on discernment, to Jan 2019.


284b. 2018, Report on GalGael Trip to Iona.

284. 2018, Love Never Shouts: Iona and the GalGael Trust, The Friend, 1 June, p. 13.

282. 2018, Obituary of Tom Forsyth of Scoraig - Crofter and Pioneer of Eigg Land Reform, The Herald, 31 August, p. 22 (link to the newspaper's online version here).

277, 2018, A Perilous Neglect - Quakers, Merton & Torture, Friends Journal, USA, February, pp. 10-11.


267b, 2017, Report on the GalGael Trust's visit to Iona - exploration of "spirituality", also published in the Iona Community's e-Coracle, April.


266, 2017, The Ten Beatitudes, in The Sun Slowly Rises (ed. Neil Paynter), Wild Goose Publications (Iona Community), Glasgow, pp. 133 - 136.


265. 2016, Dè Seòrsa Fuaim a tha a' Tighinn à Tùr-Cluig Falamh? What is the Sound of an Empty Belfry Chiming?, Re-Soundings, ed. Mhairi Killin & Hugh Watt, www.re-soundings.com, Graphical House, ISBN 978-0-9565200-8-1, pp. AD597 - c.1497 (bi-lingual Gaelic & English arts project on bells and artillery shells).


264b. 2016 Report of the GalGael Trust's visit to Iona, March.


264. 2016, Govan Free Church Newsletter, requested reflection piece, winter 2016.


260, 2016, Poacher's Pilgrimage: an Island Journey, Birlinn, Edinburgh, hardback, ISBN 978 178027 361 7, £20, 339 pp. + xxi.


255. 2015, Canadian Quakers Yearly Meeting Lecture - Decolonising Land and Soul: A Quaker Testimony, The Sunderland P. Gardner Lecture 2015, Canadian Yearly Meeting, Ottawa, 37pp.


254. 2015, "Foreword" to Bruce Ball's The Landscape Below: Soil, Soul and Agriculture, Wild Goose Publications, Glasgow, pp. 9 - 17.


253. 2015. Living in the Carrying Stream (a reflection on intergenerational transmission, Isle of Lewis), Dioghlum: Magazine of the Kinloch Historical Society, Isle of Lewis, No. 49, July 2015, pp. 5-7.


252. 2015. Spiritual Activism: Leadership as Service, book co-authored with Matt Carmichael, Green Books, Cambridge, 24 September 2015 (formal year of publication is given as 2016, apparently a publishing convention for books released late in the year), hardback, ISBN 978 0 85784 300 5, 223 pp., £19.99.


251. 2015. Canoe Pilgrimage to Boreray: Celtic Era Burial site at Field of the Monks in Outer Hebrides & Birth Place of the Grandfather of the First Man on the Moon, photo documentary, September, web published by Alastair McIntosh.


249. 2015. Irish Quaker Annual Lecture - To become ‘the People of the Cross’: Climate Change, Violence and some Meanings of Creation in Our Times, Public Lecture to Ireland Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), delivered 10 Apr 2015, also available at this link.


244. 2015. Seeds of Fire, conference address on climate change and the community, The Sisters of the Cross and Passion, Larne, Northern Ireland, 8 February 2015.


243. 2015. Burning in the Name of God (The "Islamic" State), Bella Caledonia (online), 4 Feb 2015. PDF version here. Also published in USA by the progressive Jewish magazine, Tikkun, with an introduction by Rabbi Michael Lerner.


242. 2015, Scalpay Lighthouse Pathway Opening Address (13 Sept 2014), De Tha Dol, Harris Voluntary Service, Isles of Scalpay & Harris, Jan 2015, pp. 8-9.


240. 2014, Compass Points Within Eileana Bride, in Marianna Lines, The Traveller's Guide to Sacred Scotland, Gothic Image Publications, Somerset, pp. 264-266.


235. 2014, Parables of Northern Seed: Anthology from BBC's Thought for the Day, Wild Goose Publications, The Iona Community, August, ISBN 9781849523028, £11.50, 144 pp..


232. 2014, Roineabhal, Isle of Harris, Scotland in Trust: magazine of the National Trust for Scotland, (part of a feature on what's worth conserving for the future), Spring 2014, p. 47.


228. The Cross: Faslane submarine base Easter address - theology for 3rd Millennium, The Friend (Quakers), 11 April; also illustrated version in Reform, United Reformed Church, June edition, p. 12 and web version with the American progressive Jewish site, Tikkun.


223. 2013, Book review of The Power of Silence by Graham Turner, Reform Magazine (United Reformed Church), November, p. 34.


221. 2013, Island Spirituality: Spiritual Values of Lewis and Harris, Islands Book Trust, Kershader, 184 pp, price £10. As out of print from 2015, now in free PDF download.


217. 2012 The 'Sacredness' of Natural Sites and Their Recovery: Iona, Harris and Govan in Scotland, in Mallarach, J.-M., Papayannis, T. and Väisänen, R. (eds), The Diversity of Sacred Lands in Europe: Proceedings of the Third Workshop of the Delos Initiative – Inari/Aanaar 2010. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN and Vantaa, Finland: Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services - free PDF of complete volume from IUCN here.


200. 2009, Wilderness near the end of Heaven, John Muir Trust Journal, Spring 2009, 10-11.


199. 2009, La parole et la recherche de l'unité: entretien avec Alastair McIntosh, Transitions, Numero 1, Paris (interview with Alastair McIntosh in French on Quaker consensual decision making process).


196. 2008, Rekindling Community: Connecting People, Environment and Spirituality, Schumacher Briefing No. 15, Green Books. ISBN 978-1-900322-38-6.


189. 2008, Engaging the Powers of Walter Wink - an Activist's Testimony, (PDF file) in Enigmas and Powers: Engaging the Work of Walter Wink for Classroom, Church and World, ed. D. Seiple & Frederick W. Weidmann, Princeton Theological Monograph Series No. 79, 101-112.


185. 2006, Fire in the Bones (Theology of Spiritual Activism), Third Way, (also in .pdf of original), Vol. 29, No. 7, September 2006, pp. 12 - 15. Also published in the Jan/Feb 2007 issue of Tikkun, pp. 18 - 20, the progressive American Jewish magazine - www.tikkun.org.


184. 2006, Love and Revolution (collected poetry), Luath Press, Edinburgh, 96pp, £7.99, 4 September 2006, ISBN 1-905222-58-0. 


183. Entretien avec Alastair McIntosh: Quand la société civile et l'industrie s'impliquent dans une vision partagée (entretien par Béatrice Quasnik), Les Cahiers de Sol, Society for Organisational Learning, Paris, France, No. 6, Juin/June 2006, pp. 24 - 30, en .pdf. 


152. 2003, The Power of Love: What Can Nonviolence Say to Violence?  Resurgence, No. 219, July/Aug, 42-44. Now also in PDF. Also, in Spanish translation as El Poder del Amor


148. 2003, On Poverty, Chastity and Obedience, in A Living Quaker Witness to the Earth, The Earth: Our Creative Responsibility Group, Quaker Peace and Social Witness, Quaker Books, London,  pp. 18-19.


137. 2002, Kinship with Creation: Two Quakers Share their Views, Quaker Green Action, ISBN 0 9518766 3 5, 38 pp., UK (with Susannah Brindle, but this website gives only Alastair McIntosh's interview).


135. 2002, Roots for Living, occasional column in The Big Issue in Scotland, with Vérène Nicolas, on diverse social, environmental and spiritual issues. This link takes you to the index.


133. 2001, Origins of the Sex-Spirit Split, Sex and Spirit Conference - keynote address, Findhorn Foundation, 21 October 2001.


130. 2001, Mystery of Andrew, our forgotten saint (St Andrew and women's rights), Scottish Daily Mail, November 26, 10.


127. 2001, Soil and Soul: People versus Corporate Power, Aurum Press, London, ISBN 1 85410 802 6, £17.99 hardback, 336pp..


30. 1990, Call to re-enchantment, Presbyterian Herald, Church of Ireland, June 1990, 9 & 11; also, The Friend, 26 Jan, 111-112.  


2.  1979, Mystical experience, hallucination and belief in God, Christian Parapsychologist, Churches' Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies, New Romney, 3:1, 3-8. Reprinted, 1979, Journal of the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research, USA, 2:3.