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 7. Alastair McIntosh - Epistemology


Classified Index of Articles on Epistemology, Education, Environmental Education & Science Policy


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332. 2024. The Man of Calling, in Heimatkunde: Explorations of Place and Belonging (the festschrift for the ethnographer Professor Ullrich Kockel), eds. Mairéad Nic Craith, Katerina Strani & Alastair Mackie, Lit Verlag, Berlin, pp. 101-117.


327. 2023, A Commentary on Thomas Berry's Befriending the Earth, 33 Years On, Religions, special issue on "Religion and Planetary Climate Crisis", 14(11), 1345; https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14111345. Local website copy here.


321. 2023, The Cheviot, the Stag and the Black, Black Carbon: Natural Capital, the Private Finance Investment Pilot and Scotland’s Land Reform, a discussion paper commissioned by Community Land Scotland with a Foreword by Ailsa Raeburn, 76 pp., May 18. Go direct to main paper here and to subsequent "silver standard" paper for NatureScot (SNH), here.


318. 2023, God, War and the Faeries: Mentoring and Carrying Stream in Writing Poacher’s Pilgrimage, conference proceedings 'Literature and religion in Scotland' of the Association for Scottish Literature, University of Glasgow, pp. 269 - 294.


303. 2022, Review essay book reviews of  'The T&T Clark Handbook of Christian Theology and Climate Change' and 'Eco-Theology: Essays in Honor of Sigurd Bergmann', Modern Believing, 63:1, pp. 54-57.


297. 2020, The Attitude of Education, chapter in festschrift for Mairéad Nic Craith, Per Scribendum, Sumus: Ethnopoesis, or: Writing Heritage, eds. Ulrich Kockel, Philip McDermott & Liam Campbell, Lit Verlag, Zurich, pp. 144-147.


260, 2016, Poacher's Pilgrimage: an Island Journey, Birlinn, Edinburgh, hardback, ISBN 978 178027 361 7, £20, 339 pp. + xxi.


256, 2015, Rummaging Through the Useful Bag, Dark Mountain Journal Issue 8 (on Technê, technology), pp. 298 - 310.


218. 2012, Radical Human Ecology: Intercultural and Indigenous Approaches, co-edited with Lewis Williams (1) and Rose Roberts (2) in the Ashgate Research Companion series, Ashgate, London. Includes my chapters on "The Challenge of Radical Human Ecology to the Academy" and "Teaching Radical Human Ecology in the Academy", with a Foreword by Richard Borden of the Society for Human Ecology, 433 pp, ISBN 978-0-7546-9516-5, price £30 hardback.


210. 2010. Popping the Gygian Question, Dark Mountain, Issue 1,  Dark Mountain Project, May 2010, 101-7.


201. 2009. Review of Noel Charlton's Understanding Gregory Bateson: Mind, Beauty and the Sacred Earth (State University of New York Press, 2008), Coracle, Iona Community, 4/40, 23-24.


200. 2009, Wilderness near the end of Heaven, John Muir Trust Journal, Spring 2009, 10-11.


199. 2009, La parole et la recherche de l'unité: entretien avec Alastair McIntosh, Transitions, Numero 1, Paris (interview with Alastair McIntosh in French on Quaker consensual decision making process).


198. 2008, Review of "A Book of Silence" by Sara Maitland, Third Way, December 2008, online at http://www.thirdway.org.uk/editions/winter-2009/reviews/a-book-of-silence.aspx .


196. 2008, Rekindling Community: Connecting People, Environment and Spirituality, Schumacher Briefing No. 15, Green Books. ISBN 978-1-900322-38-6.


195. 2008, Some Contributions of Liberation Theology to Community Empowerment in Scottish Land Reform 1991 - 2003, (4 MB PDF) Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Published Works undertaken with the Academy of Irish Cultural Heritages, Faculty of Arts, University of Ulster.


189. 2008, Engaging the Powers of Walter Wink - an Activist's Testimony, (PDF file) in Enigmas and Powers: Engaging the Work of Walter Wink for Classroom, Church and World, ed. D. Seiple & Frederick W. Weidmann, Princeton Theological Monograph Series No. 79, 101-112.


185. 2006, Fire in the Bones (Theology of Spiritual Activism), Third Way, (also in .pdf of original), Vol. 29, No. 7, September 2006, pp. 12 - 15. Also published in the Jan/Feb 2007 issue of Tikkun, pp. 18 - 20, the progressive American Jewish magazine - www.tikkun.org .


169. 2005, Through the Eye of a Potato: Undertaking a CHE Thesis, address delivered at Centre for Human Ecology Thesis Day, 11 February.


166. 2004, Public School and the Platonic Ideal, Boarding Concern, Winter 2004, p. 7.


135. 2002, Roots for Living, occasional column in The Big Issue in Scotland, with Vérène Nicolas, on diverse social, environmental and spiritual issues. This link takes you to the index.


134. 2002, Review of "Human Ecology: Basic Concepts for Sustainable Development", The Ecologist, Vol. 32:2, March 2002, 55-6.


127. 2001, Soil and Soul: People versus Corporate Power, Aurum Press, London, ISBN 1 85410 802 6, £17.99 hardback, 336pp..


93. 1998, The Cult of Biotechnology, lead article in George Monbiot edited special biotechnology issue of Resurgence, 188, 8-11.  


79. 1996, When science is not the business, The Herald, 1-10-96, 15.  


78. 1996, Taking arms against the mercenaries, New Scientist (note also the senior editor’s leader in this issue defending the Centre for Human Ecology’s “tradition of fearless inquiry” in the context of Edinburgh University’s closure move) - both now available in PDF, 4 May 96, pp. 3 & 51.


77. 1996, Root of all knowledge cast out on a limb, Scotland on Sunday (SoS Essay), 2-6-96, 20.  


75. 1996, Getting away from the science of Dr Strangelove, The Guardian (Higher Education), 9-4-96 (with David Bellamy (1)).  


71. 1996, (230KB) The emperor has no clothes ... let us paint our loincloths rainbow:  a classical and feminist critique of contemporary science policy, Environmental Values, 5:1, 3-30.  


68. 1995, Ecology: science or poetry, Sylva, 58, 5-11 (debate with Robert Muetzelfeldt (2)).  


43. 1992, A sound ecology, Music Teacher, 71:8, 22-25, (with Chuck Holdeman (2)). Now also in PDF.


36. 1991, Environmental Education for Adaptation: an Appraisal of the Scope for Undergraduate Teaching to Enable Graduates to Address Matters of Environmental Concern, CHE and University of Edinburgh Educational Policy Committee, 46 pp. plus 118 pp. appendix (with Ulrich Loening, (1), and Andrew Kelton (3)). Now also in PDF.


18. 1985, On course for better computer training, The Scotsman (Information Technology supplement), Edinburgh, 11 Mar.. Also in the Post Courier and The Times in Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby.



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