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 11. Alastair McIntosh - Religion


Classified Index of Articles on Religion, Theology & Philosophy


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333. 2024, A Sermon to the English on Land Reform, Dark Mountain, Issue 25, special issue on "the land", April.


327. 2023, A Commentary on Thomas Berry's Befriending the Earth, 33 Years On, Religions, special issue on "Religion and Planetary Climate Crisis", 14(11), 1345; https://doi.org/10.3390/rel14111345. Local website copy here.


323. 2023, A Sixteenth-century Irish Sermon on COP 26, The Irish Pages, Vol. II, No. 2, pp. 61-67, Belfast, Aug.


320. 2023, "Foreword" to the Unitarian climate change reader, Cherishing the Earth, ed. Maria Curtis, Lindsey Press, England.


317. 2023, New Foreword to the 2023 edition of Poacher's Pilgrimage (also new cover and subtitle), Birlinn, Edinburgh.


316. 2023, Political Theology and Public Service, Bella Caledonia, 21 February. PDF version here.


314. 2022, Spiritual Activism, Atomic Theology, and 'The Bomb' in Scotland, chapter in The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Religion and Peace, ed. Jolyon Mitchell et al., 2022, pp. 349 - 363 (also short link http://bit.ly/Atomic-Theology).


310. 2022, COP26 as Ritual Space, contribution to report, Reflections on COP26: What Does Theology Have to Offer the Conversation around the Climate Crisis?, Madeleine Pennington and Ian Christie (eds.), Theos, London. PDF extract of my chapter here.


303. 2022, Review essay book reviews of  'The T&T Clark Handbook of Christian Theology and Climate Change' and 'Eco-Theology: Essays in Honor of Sigurd Bergmann', Modern Believing, 63:1, pp. 54-57.


302. 2021, 'I've never known you be so bad before' - Land, Community and Climate Change, The Angus Macleod Memorial Lecture 2021, Islands Book Trust. Alternatively, view lecture Lecture Video, starting 9 mins in, delivered at the Kinloch Community Hub, Balallan, Isle of Lewis, 21 Oct.


301. 2021, Beginning with Oneself: Raimon Panikkar's 9 Sutras for COP 26, The Friend, 3 September, p. 12.


295. 2020, Riders on the Storm: the Climate Crisis and the Survival of Being, Birlinn, Edinburgh, 243 + xi, ISBN 978 1 78027 639 7, £9.99 p/b.


296. 2020, The Religious Education of the Future, RE Secondary News, Hampshire County Council, summer edn., pp. 9-11.


294. 2020, Salted with Fire - Easter Reflection for the Iona Community, In Love with the Life of Life, Wild Goose Publications, pp. 191-193.


293. 2019, Towards Third Millennium Christianity: Activism, Nonviolence & the Mystical Imperative, Future of Faith Lecture 2019 to Unitarians, Quakers & the Progressive Christianity Network, Faith and Freedom, 72:118, pp. 3-21; also in a Quaker version (abridged with some additions) as Third Millennium Christianity and Quakerism, The Friends Quarterly, 4:2019, pp. 22-41.


292. 2019, God Carry Me,  Dark Mountain Journal, Issue 16,10th anniversary edition essay, pp. 119-126.


283. 2018, The State of the Nation Lecture 2018, St Andrew's Day, St Giles Cathedral, Edinburgh - that's an audio link, for the text click here. For source references on St A, see here.


281. 2018, Keynote Address for the 25th Anniversary of the Assynt Crofters' Trust, The Assynt Crofters' Trust, Stoer, Sutherland, 2 July (pdf of original posting on their website).


277, 2018, A Perilous Neglect - Quakers, Merton & Torture, Friends Journal, USA, February, pp. 10-11.


274, 2018, Rembering Kenyon Wright: India's Swaraj and the Scottish Parliament, Cable Magazine, Issue 7, January (was online, Scottish international affairs).


272, 2017, The PsalmBoat Project: Alastair McIntosh at Soval Lodge, Lochs News, Leurbost, Isle of Lewis, Nov 2017, pp. 12-13.


269, 2017, Robert Barclay and The Donald: reflections on binary worldview, The Friend, 5 May, pp. 10-11.


265. 2016, Dè Seòrsa Fuaim a tha a' Tighinn à Tùr-Cluig Falamh? What is the Sound of an Empty Belfry Chiming?, Re-Soundings, ed. Mhairi Killin & Hugh Watt, www.re-soundings.com, Graphical House, ISBN 978-0-9565200-8-1, pp. AD597 - c.1497 (bi-lingual Gaelic & English arts project on bells and artillery shells).


263, 2016, What is it About Evangelicals? (Donald Trump's evangelical base and his Scottish roots), Bella Caledonia, 27 November. PDF version here.


260, 2016, Poacher's Pilgrimage: an Island Journey, Birlinn, Edinburgh, hardback, ISBN 978 178027 361 7, £20, 339 pp. + xxi.


259, 2016,  "Quando o Bolso Enche e o Espírito se Esvazia" - Interview by the Brazilian Jesuit agricultural journal (Portuguese with English version at the back), IHU: Instituto Humanitas Unisinos, by João Vitor Santos, tradução Moisés Sbardelotto, No. 485/XVI, 16 May.


258, 2016, Frenchgate - a Case of Quaker Agency Capture?, Bella Caledonia, 28 March. PDF version here.


255. 2015, Canadian Quakers Yearly Meeting Lecture - Decolonising Land and Soul: A Quaker Testimony, The Sunderland P. Gardner Lecture 2015, Canadian Yearly Meeting, Ottawa, 37pp.


252. 2015. Spiritual Activism: Leadership as Service, book co-authored with Matt Carmichael, Green Books, Cambridge, 24 September 2015 (formal year of publication is given as 2016, apparently a publishing convention for books released late in the year), hardback, ISBN 978 0 85784 300 5, 223 pp., £19.99.


249. 2015. Irish Quaker Annual Lecture - To become ‘the People of the Cross’: Climate Change, Violence and some Meanings of Creation in Our Times, Public Lecture to Ireland Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), delivered 10 Apr 2015, also available at this link.


248. 2015. Book review of John F. Gavin SJ's A Celtic Christology: the Incarnation according to John Scottus Eriugena, Third Way, 39:4, May 2115, p. 40.


246. 2015. The People of the Cross? Blessing of a Cross of Shells by the Archbishop of Canterbury at the Afghanistan War Commemoration, correspondence and items in The Friend.


243. 2015. Burning in the Name of God (The "Islamic" State), Bella Caledonia (online), 4 Feb 2015. PDF version here. Also published in USA by the progressive Jewish magazine, Tikkun, with an introduction by Rabbi Michael Lerner.


239. 2014, Book review of Stephen Finlan & Vladimir Kharlamov (eds) Theōsis: Deification in Christian Theology, Vols 1 & 2, The Expository Times, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, 126(2), pp. 93-94.


238, 2014, Where Stands Our Nineveh Today?, Sermon after the Scottish Referendum, delivered at Iona Abbey, Sunday 21 September.


233. 2014, Book Review of Donald Smith's Freedom and Faith & Doug Gay's Honey from the Lion (both on theology of Scottish independence referendum), Third Way, 37:5, June, p. 40.


230. 2014, Book review of When Soldiers Say No, edited by Andrea Ellner, Paul Robinson & David Whetham, Third Way, 37:4, May, p. 36.


228. The Cross: Faslane submarine base Easter address - theology for 3rd Millennium, The Friend (Quakers), 11 April; also illustrated version in Reform, United Reformed Church, June edition, p. 12 and web version with the American progressive Jewish site, Tikkun.


227. 2014, What is Ancestral Time? Returning to One's Destiny, Arts & Humanities Research Council project blog, School of Divinity, University of Edinburgh. For non-interactive but permanent PDF version click here.


225. 2013, Book review of In Defence of War by Nigel Biggar, Third Way, 36:10, December, p. 40.


224. 2013, The Joy of the Gospel (Evangelii Gaudium), commentary on Pope Francis' apostolic exhortation, The Friend, 6 December, p. 3.


222. 2013, Can Liberation Theology Serve Indonesia? Semper Reformanda and the Spiritual Challenges of Our Times, Sola Experientia (Jurnal Teologi), Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jakarta (Jakarta Theological Seminary), Vol 1:2, October 2013, 121-136.


221a. 2013, Growing up with Calvin (reflections on Island Spirituality), Third Way, 36:7, Sept 2013, pp. 24-26.


221. 2013, Island Spirituality: Spiritual Values of Lewis and Harris, Islands Book Trust, Kershader, 184 pp, price £10. As out of print from 2015, now in free PDF download.


218(a). 2012. The Liberation Theology of Pussy Riot, Coracle, The Iona Community, Autumn 2012, pp. 19-20.


218. 2012, Radical Human Ecology: Intercultural and Indigenous Approaches, co-edited with Lewis Williams (1) and Rose Roberts (2) in the Ashgate Research Companion series, Ashgate, London. Includes my chapters on "The Challenge of Radical Human Ecology to the Academy" and "Teaching Radical Human Ecology in the Academy", with a Foreword by Richard Borden of the Society for Human Ecology, 433 pp, ISBN 978-0-7546-9516-5, price £30 hardback.


217. 2012 The 'Sacredness' of Natural Sites and Their Recovery: Iona, Harris and Govan in Scotland, in Mallarach, J.-M., Papayannis, T. and Väisänen, R. (eds), The Diversity of Sacred Lands in Europe: Proceedings of the Third Workshop of the Delos Initiative – Inari/Aanaar 2010. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN and Vantaa, Finland: Metsähallitus Natural Heritage Services - free PDF of complete volume from IUCN here.


216. 2012, Book review of 'A New Climate for Theology' by Sally McFague, Journal of the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, Vol5:3, 384-6.


214. 2011-12, O Donald Trump, Woe Donald Trump (poetry), EarthLines, Issue 1, May 2012, pp. 43-46 (first posted on Bella Caledonia blog 2011).


213. 2010. A Nonviolent Challenge to Conflict, Chapter 3 in David Whetham (ed., UK Defence Academy), Ethics, Law and Military Operations, Palgrave Macmillan, London, 44-64.


212. 2010. Foreword to Future Ethics: Climate Change and Apocalyptic Imagination, edited by Stefan Skrimshire, Continuum, London, 2010.


209. 2010. A Short Course in Liberation Theology, as used with participants at the GalGael Trust, 12pp. PDF.


208. 2010. Book Review: Patrick Hennessey's "The Junior Officers' Reading Club: Killing time and fighting wars", Third Way, March, 33:3, 39.


207. 2010. What Price the Earth? Climate Change Theology Post-Cop15, WM, World Mission Council of the Church of Scotland, January, No. 33, 1.


204. 2009. The Political Theology of Modern Scottish Land Reform, with Rutger Henneman (1), Journal for the Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 3/3, 340-375.  


201. 2009. Review of Noel Charlton's Understanding Gregory Bateson: Mind, Beauty and the Sacred Earth (State University of New York Press, 2008), Coracle, Iona Community, 4/40, 23-24.


198. 2008, Review of "A Book of Silence" by Sara Maitland, Third Way, December 2008, online at  .


198. 2008, Review of "A Book of Silence" by Sara Maitland, Third Way, December 2008. Online here.


196. 2008, Rekindling Community: Connecting People, Environment and Spirituality, Schumacher Briefing No. 15, Green Books. ISBN 978-1-900322-38-6.


195. 2008, Some Contributions of Liberation Theology to Community Empowerment in Scottish Land Reform 1991 - 2003, (4 MB PDF) Thesis for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by Published Works undertaken with the Academy of Irish Cultural Heritages, Faculty of Arts, University of Ulster.


194. 2008, Hell and High Water: Climate Change, Hope and the Human Condition, Birlinn Press, Edinburgh, 289 pp. + x, £8.99, ISBN 978-1-84158-622-9.


189. 2008, Engaging the Powers of Walter Wink - an Activist's Testimony, (PDF file) in Enigmas and Powers: Engaging the Work of Walter Wink for Classroom, Church and World, ed. D. Seiple & Frederick W. Weidmann, Princeton Theological Monograph Series No. 79, 101-112.


185. 2006, Fire in the Bones (Theology of Spiritual Activism), Third Way, (also in .pdf of original), Vol. 29, No. 7, September 2006, pp. 12 - 15. Also published in the Jan/Feb 2007 issue of Tikkun, pp. 18 - 20, the progressive American Jewish magazine - www.tikkun.org .


172. 2005, 3 contributions to The Encyclopaedia of Religion and Nature (2 volumes), Jeffrey Kaplan & Bron Taylor eds., Continuum International Publishing, London & NY, 2005 (www.religionandnature.com), comprising: 1) Scotland (the historical context of nature religion), 1503-1505, 2) Faerie Faith in Scotland, 633-634, and, 3) Scything & Erotic Fulfillment (vernacular work rhythms), 1507-1509.


171. 2005, Poverty, Chastity and the G8, Third Way, June (at press). Also on same page, book review for ECOS of "we are everywhere: the irresistible rise of global anticapitalism" (Verso, 2003).


168. 2005, Liberating Relationships with the Creation, Bulletin of the Scottish Church Theology Society, 2005.


167. 2005, Chronique d'une Alliance: Peuples autochtones et société civil face à la mondialisation, (the abridged French translation of Soil and Soul), Editions Yves Michel, Paris, ISBN 2 913492 30 4, €22, 351pp..  Ce blog est destiné aux lecteurs d'Alastair McIntosh afin qu'ils puissent se connaître, se faire connaître et s'exprimer sur les sujets abordés dans le livre.


161. 2004, Peace in the Tiger's Mouth, Chapter 16 of Seeking Cultures of Peace: a Peace Church Conversation, ed. Enns, Fernando, Holland, Scott & Riggs, Ann K., World Council of Churches (Geneva), Cascadia Publishing House (Telford, Pennsylvania) & Herald Press (Scottdale, Pennsylvania), pp. 215 - 226. 


150. 2003, Constitutional Theology, Community & Sovereignty of the Sea, in International Union for Land Value Taxation and Free Trade: Proceedings of the Edinburgh Conference 2001, International Union for Land Value Taxation, London, 2003, 70-85. Now also in PDF.


145. 2003, The Saltire Society / The Herald Debate - War, Religion and the British Constitution, text based on delivery at the Royal Concert Hall, Glasgow, 27 May.


143. 2003, Report to Scottish Quakers on Fact-finding Visit to the World Council of Churches (Decade for Overcoming Violence), Religious Society of Friends, Britain Yearly Meeting & General Meeting Scotland, 1 March 2003.


136. 2002, It's all about putting people in their place, text of address to the Rural Planning Symposium for Duhallow, published in The Irish Examiner, Cork, 21 June 2002. Also published in revised form on Open Democracy's website, with links to many key phrases, as Soil and Soul: Lessons from Ireland, 2002.


132. 2001, Sabbath and the Corporate Mammon: concluding the Harris Superquarry Debate, ECOS, British Association of Nature Conservationists, 22 (1), 46-52.


127. 2001, Soil and Soul: People versus Corporate Power, Aurum Press, London, ISBN 1 85410 802 6, £17.99 hardback, 336pp..


126. 2001, Community, Power and Peace: Healing Nationhood, Historic Peace Churches' Consultation for the WCC - Theology and Culture: Peacemaking for the Globalised World, conference at Bienenberg Theological Seminary, Basel, Switzerland, 25-29 June 2001, publication pending as conference proceedings; currently published to conference website www.peacetheology.org.


125. 2001, Pagan Presbyterianism? Protest and Prophetic Theology, The Friends' Quarterly, Kent, 32:7, 300-309


123. 2000. Defying the Corporate Golem (Lafarge Redland, Corporate "Human" Rights and the British Constitution), Foundations, William Temple Foundation, 3:4, 27.


120. 2000, "The whole house of Islam, and we Christians with them": an Interview with "the Last Orientalist" (Professor William Montgomery Watt), The Coracle, 3:51, Iona Community, (with Bashir Maan (1)), 8-11. Now also in PDF.


119. 2000, A Sabbath of the Land (Harris superquarry reconciliation, and SAC conservation area theology), Stornoway Gazette, 20 July, 4, being reprinted in ECOS: Journal of the British Association for Nature Conservation, autumn 2000.


117. 2000, God versus Trident: Constitutional Theology in Legal Defence, legal arguments prepared for Ellen Moxley of the "Greenock Three" Peace Women, Greenock Sheriff Court.


116. 2000, Healing Nationhood: Essays on Spirituality, Place and Community, including Land, Power & National Identity commissioned by the Russian Academy of Sciences, Curlew Productions, Kelso, with the Centre for Human Ecology and the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, 144pp., ISBN 1 900259 95 8, £7.50. 


113. 2000, Saint Andrew – Nonviolence and National Identity, Theology in Scotland, St Mary’s College, University of St Andrews, VII:1, 55-70.  


112. 2000, The Case for God: Carbeth Hutters’ Feudal Defence Against Eviction, Ecotheology, Sheffield Academic Press, Issue 8, 86-110.  


109. 2000, God in All Creation: Address introducing business theme at Britain Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), Quaker Monthly, Quaker Home Service, 79:2, July 2000, 163-167 and at press with Christian.


108. 2000, God, Creation and Yearly Meeting 2000, The Friends Quarterly, Kent,, 32:2, 49-58.


106. 1999, Land, Power & National Identity: Modern Russia and the Spirituality of Nationhood – a View from Scotland, Russian Academy of Sciences Department of Economics (English and Russian translation per Dr Dmitry Lvov, Head of Department), Moscow, 89pp.; reprinted as lead item in Healing Nationhood (Curlew Productions), 2000, see above.  


104. 1999, The Politics of Holy Places, Land & Liberty, Henry George Foundation, London, Autumn, 15.


100. 1999, Liberation Theology in Scottish Community Empowerment, in Popular Education and Social Action in Scottish Communities, Ian Martin, Jim Crowther and Mae Shaw, (eds.), National Institute of Adult Continuing Education, Leicester, 205-215.  


94. 1998, An evaluation of the historical condemnation of usury, Accounting, Business & Financial History, Routledge, London, (with Wayne Visser (1)), Vol. 8:2, 175-190 - Now also in PDF.


89. 1997, Cold hearts who cast the first stone (Victorian family values v. Biblical sexual ethics), The Herald, Glasgow, 17 November, 15.


88. 1997, Music, religion and some questions of scripture, Stornoway Gazette, 22 May, 8.


72. 1996, MacMoses’ motorway: exegesis of the M77 “Pollok Free State” motorway protest through scriptural recontextualisation of Numbers 11, Lady Godiva, 19, 18-20.  


69. 1995, (233KB) Introduction to the Isle of Harris Proposed Superquarry Public Inquiry Theological Testimony (with complete Inquiry testimonies of the Rev. Professor Donald MacLeod, Chief Sulian Stone Eagle Herney and prefacing a commentary by Professor Alesia Maltz on the relevance to the American constitutional position on religion and politics), Journal of Law and Religion, XI:2, 755-788 (and appendix, 789-791).  


42. 1992, Open letter to Keith Schellenberg, “Laird” of Eigg, Reforesting Scotland, 7, 30-31, (with Tom Forsyth (2) and Bob Harris (3)) (applied liberation theology).


39. 1992, (333 KB), The GulfWatch Papers: An international peace movement analysis of the Gulf War in Israel-Palestine and psychospiritual context, Edinburgh Review, 87, 13-71, (with Alastair Hulbert (1)). Now also in PDF.


2.  1979, Mystical experience, hallucination and belief in God, Christian Parapsychologist, Churches' Fellowship for Psychical and Spiritual Studies, New Romney, 3:1, 3-8. Reprinted, 1979, Journal of the Academy of Religion and Psychical Research, USA, 2:3.  



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