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 10. Alastair McIntosh - Papua New Guinea


Classified Index of Articles on Papua New Guinea and South Pacific

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295. 2020, Riders on the Storm: the Climate Crisis and the Survival of Being, Birlinn, Edinburgh, 243 + xi, ISBN 978 1 78027 639 7, £9.99 p/b.


290. 2019, Papua Visitors Feast at Croirgerraidh, Lochs News, Issue 17, August, p. 6.


289. 2019, Report of West Papua Province study tour to Hebrides, July.


255. 2015, Canadian Quakers Yearly Meeting Lecture - Decolonising Land and Soul: A Quaker Testimony, The Sunderland P. Gardner Lecture 2015, Canadian Yearly Meeting, Ottawa, 37pp.


247. 2015. Report on the Climate Change Study Visit to Scotland by Planners from Papua Province, Indonesia, Centre For Human Ecology, March 2015, co-authored with Vérène Nicolas & Sibongile Pradhan, 13 pp..


222. 2013, Can Liberation Theology Serve Indonesia? Semper Reformanda and the Spiritual Challenges of Our Times, Sola Experientia (Jurnal Teologi), Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Jakarta (Jakarta Theological Seminary), Vol 1:2, October 2013, 121-136.


218b. 2012, Visitors from Papua (Indonesia), The Crofter, September, p. 25. (Also, from 2013, a report in Indonesian in a Papua newspaper, Cenderawasia Pos, 9 Feb 2013, on our meeting with Provincial Government secretary and BAPPEDA (provincial business unit) in Djayapura, West Papua, Indonesia).


196. 2008, Rekindling Community: Connecting People, Environment and Spirituality, Schumacher Briefing No. 15, Green Books. ISBN 978-1-900322-38-6.


34. 1991, Wokabout Somils in Sustainable Forestry: New Hebrides to Old, Tree Planters' Guide to the Galaxy, Reforesting Scotland, No. 4, 5-7.


31. 1990, The Bougainville crisis: a South Pacific crofters’ war, Radical Scotland, 44, 18-22. Now also in PDF.


30. 1990, Call to re-enchantment, Presbyterian Herald, Church of Ireland, June 1990, 9 & 11; also, The Friend, 26 Jan, 111-112.  


28. 1989, Because we are human beings.... Meaning development; meaning metaculture, Coracle, Iona Community, Glasgow, 3:2.  


13. 1983, Maea au Huhaharula: a case study of trance and the fear of sorcery among the West Elema of Papua New Guinea, Christian Parapsychologist, CFPSS, New Romney, 5:1, 9-15.  


12. 1983, Sorcery and its social effects amongst the Elema of Papua New Guinea, Oceania, (the journal of the University of Sydney’s Dept. of Anthropology), LIII:3, 224-232. Now in PDF.  


4.  1980, Beliefs about out-of-the-body experiences among the Elema, Gulf Kamea and Rigo peoples of Papua New Guinea, Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, London, 50:785, 460-478. PDF version here.   



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